Top Tips to profit from your international education programs:

Here are our expert tips to earning your school community a cultural and financial profit from your international education programs:

  1. Track income and expenses

How much does it cost to keep your international programs running? How much do you spend on staff, marketing, travel and activities for your international students to do? How much do your international students bring in the door each month?

  1. Access specialist expertise only when you need it

The knowledge that goes into developing and running a successful international education program spans many areas of specialist expertise – there’s the administrative and compliance management, education and curriculum design, hands-on teaching and mentoring, expert understanding of international markets, global language barriers and more. For most schools, finding the right combination of skills amongst internal staff verges on the impossible. You can reduce staffing overheads by accessing specialist expertise when you need it on a casual, contract or outsourced basis.

  1. Participate in joint venture marketing events with other schools

Targeting global markets in the hope that international students will pay to visit your school can be expensive. Joint venture marketing initiatives give you cost effective marketing at the country of origin and exposure to international education agents for a fraction of the price by sharing your marketing and associated costs amongst the other non-competing schools participating in the joint venture. If you’re interested in finding out about our upcoming joint venture opportunities, please get in touch with us.

  1. Leverage other people’s international goodwill

It takes a long time to build up international goodwill, particularly in areas that place strong emphasis on face-to-face relationships such as Asia and South America. Look for ways you can leverage the goodwill that other people have already established with overseas markets.

Use these experts to coordinate and liaise with quality agents and schools overseas. That way your school benefits from the goodwill that already exists!

  1. Access your existing labour force

You might be surprised how many individuals within your school community would love to be involved in helping to host an international study tour at your school, for example:

  • Administration staff can make bookings and set up on-campus activities
  • Your Parents and Friends Committee can assist in coordinating and hosting study tours.
  • Alumni international students can chaperone off-campus excursions.


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